// ННГУ, ВМК, Курс "Методы программирования-2", С++, ООП
// Copyright (c) Гергель В.П. 03.09.2000
// Тестирование таблицы

#include <conio.h>
#include "tword.h"
#include "arrhash.h"
#include "listhash.h"

  TArrayHash *pTab=NULL;
//  TListHash *pTab=NULL;
  string *pKeys =NULL;
  TWord  *pWords=NULL;
  int     DataCount=0, MemSize;
  int     ListCount;

// заполнение таблицы
void TableGenerator(void) {
  int  MaxKeyValue, RetCode;
  char Line[100];
  cout << "Input the record's number - ";
  cin  >> DataCount;
  cout << "Input the Maximum Key Value - ";
  cin  >> MaxKeyValue;
  MemSize = DataCount + 10;
// оператор для TArrayHash
  cout << "Input the size of memory - ";
  cin  >> MemSize;
  pTab   = new TArrayHash(MemSize);
// операторы для TListHash
//  cout << "Input the list's number - ";
//  cin  >> ListCount;
//  pTab   = new TListHash(ListCount);
  pKeys  = new string[MemSize];
  pWords = new TWord[MemSize];
  for ( int i=0; i<DataCount; i++ ) {
    pKeys[i]  = string(Line);
    pWords[i] = TWord("*"+pKeys[i]+"*");
    if ( (RetCode = pTab->GetRetCode()) != TabOK ) {
      cout << "Retcode: " << RetCode << endl;

// выполнение операций обработки таблицы
void TableProcessor(void) {
 int com; string key;
  while ( 1 ) {
    cout << "Input Command (0-Exit, 1-Find, 2-Ins, 3-Del, 4-Print) - ";
    cin >> com;
    if ( com==0 ) break;
    if ( com!=4 ) {
      cout << "Input the key of record - ";
      cin  >> key;
    if ( com==1) { // поиск
      cout << " Find " << *pTab->FindRecord(key);
      cout << " Effect  = " << pTab->GetEfficiency();
      cout << " RetCode = " << pTab->GetRetCode() << endl;
    if ( com==2) { // вставка
      if ( DataCount >= MemSize )
        cout << "MemBuffer is full" << endl;
      else {
        pKeys [DataCount] = key;
        pWords[DataCount] = TWord("*"+key+"*");
        cout << "Insert: RetCode = " << pTab->GetRetCode() << endl;
    if ( com==3) { // удаление
      cout << "Delete: RetCode = " << pTab->GetRetCode() << endl;
    if ( com == 4 ) cout << *pTab; // Table printing

// оценка сложности операции вставки
void TableEvaluator(void) {
  int  IterCount, k;
  long Total=0;
  cout << "Input the iteration's number for the efficiency evaluating - ";
  cin  >> IterCount;
  for ( int i=0; i<IterCount; i++ ) {
    k = random(DataCount);
    Total += pTab->GetEfficiency();
  cout << "Insert in the table - efficiency evaluation" << endl;
  cout << "Table Size: " << pTab->GetDataCount() << endl;
  cout << "Iterations: " << IterCount << endl;
  cout << "Average Efficiency: " << Total/double(IterCount) << endl;

void main() {
//  cout << "Тестирование программ поддержки таблиц" << endl;
  cout << "Test for the table support system (hash type) " << endl;
  // table generating
  // testing the table operations
  // evaluating the table efficiency
  delete pTab;
  delete[] pKeys;
  delete[] pWords;
Хостинг от uCoz